Saturday, 20 August 2011

Create Your Own Shopping Mall And Work At Home

There is absolutely no disputing that the Internet has enabled tens of thousands of people to launch their own home business. And, with the economy in economic downturn, more people than in the past are looking for ways to supplement their existing income, to recover from a job loss, in order to hedge against uncertain times. An Online work from home business provides a large number of advantages.

You can make your own hours, to help you work while the kids are in school or after they've gone to bed at night. You can avoid the time wasted by the daily commute and don't have to pour money into your vehicle's gas tank going to and from work each day. Best of all, you don't have to answer to a boss, because you will be the boss!

Because the amount of cash consumers spend on the internet is at an all-time high, one of the better businesses you can launch is an internet shopping mall. While this seems counterintuitive - after all, where can you store all the inventory? - so many people are finding extraordinary success in selling online.

Exactly what is the secret? It's actually pretty simple. You just need to look for a supplier who will give you access to items that you can sell online, and then who will do the shipping for you. There are quite a few to choose from a Google search will help you find one. Put simply, you won't need to stock inventory, you won't need to deal with packaging and shipping; you only need to market the products. Ideally, the company you partner with really should have 200,000 or even more products from which you can choose. When you have access to that sort of inventory, you can become an eBay power seller or a star Amazon trader in no time at all.

When you're searching for a company with which to partner, find one that has at least three different plans. One might be an auction plan, with a one-time setup charge and no monthly fees. You ought to have access to low wholesale prices and all of the company's merchandise, without any minimum order.

Another choice may well be a website plan where you get your own website pre-loaded with all the products, where you can customize your website, and where no merchant account is required. A third option might be a website and auction plan where you could have the best of both worlds, and where you get a free domain and a free e mail account.

Beyond the plan options, you need to look for a company with no monthly fees, that provides free order fulfillment, which will dropship each and every product you sell straight to your customer. Put simply, you ought to be able to have a turnkey shopping mall that you can administer from home. You only need a computer.

You will of course need to generate free traffic so people know to visit your website. There are many e-courses and training modules available on the internet - and you do need top be careful (we have personally been stung by a few). If you have a website and want to generate free traffic for it, Traffic Building School is by far the best training we have come across - and for less than $13 one off payment it provides excellent information (without ripping you off!).

As for the types of items you sell, there are virtually no limits. The best partnering companies offer hundreds of thousands of products in categories like apparel, computers, electronics, health and beauty, home and garden, jewelry, toys and games, and so on. Generally, an internet shopping mall that provides a wide variety of items is a lot more successful than one that offers a smaller selection. We are often asked which is the best company to partner with. There are some great companies out there (as well as some dodgy ones as well!) However in our opinion we find Drop Shipping Wholesalers offers one of the better quality packages currently available in the market place, however you need to find what is right for you.

Starting up an internet business can be incredibly satisfying, as well as financially rewarding. The trick lies in partnering with the right company.

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